Bas Reisen’s comprehensive fleet offers you not only high flexibility and comfort, but also the opportunity to use our bus as advertisement for your company. Our large buses provide plenty of space to bring your advertisement alive to the streets. That way, you can speak to your target audience with more reach than ever before.
Branding & Advertising
Advertising on Our Buses
Use Our Bus to Advertise Your Company
Perfectly Positioned Advertising Messages
The bus as advertising medium speaks not just to travellers on outings or on the way to trade fairs or large events. Others in traffic, from car drivers to pedestrians, will also be reached with ideally placed advertisements on our buses. With a bus from Bas Reisen as your advertising vehicle, information about your services, products, and events will reach more potential customers than ever - internationally as well.
Your Advertisement on Our Buses – Request More Information Now!
For the exterior advertising on our buses, we offer large-format and highly visible print advertising campaigns, which are displayed on our buses according to your wishes. Please contact us if you are interested in our buses as advertising vehicles. We will inform you about all the options, time frames, and prices, and provide you with an individual offer.